Page 1 - Reviews - Natrol, Cinnamon Extract, 840 mg, 80 Tablets (420 mg per Tablet) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 16, 2024
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Quality: Natrol is a well-known supplement brand with generally good quality control. Their products undergo testing to ensure purity and potency. Ingredient: The main ingredient is cinnamon extract. While there are different types of cinnamon, Natrol doesn't specify which variety they use. Size: The tablets may be considered somewhat large by some people. If you have difficulty swallowing pills, this could be a consideration. Dosage: Each tablet provides 1,000 mg of cinnamon extract. This is a moderate-to-high dosage. It's important to consult your doctor about the appropriate dosage for you, as excessive amounts could have side effects. Benefits: Potential Blood Sugar Support: Some studies suggest that cinnamon extract may have a modest positive impact on blood sugar regulation. However, results can vary, and cinnamon should not be a replacement for prescribed medication. Antioxidant Properties: Cinnamon contains antioxidants, which may offer general health benefits. Taste: Cinnamon has a strong, distinct flavor. This supplement can leave a lingering cinnamon aftertaste, which not everyone enjoys. Final Thoughts Natrol Cinnamon Extract provides a decent dose of cinnamon in a convenient tablet form. If you're looking for a potential natural supplement to support blood sugar management and don't mind the taste of cinnamon, it could be worth considering. However, it's crucial to have realistic expectations and consult with your doctor, especially if you have any existing medical conditions.

Posted on Mar 30, 2024
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Rewarded Review

Recently, I decided to incorporate cinnamon extract into my daily supplement routine, intrigued by its health benefits. I've read about its potential to support blood sugar levels, and as someone who tries to maintain a balanced lifestyle, this piqued my interest. Taking cinnamon extract as a supplement has been a straightforward and convenient addition to my day. I usually take it in the morning, alongside my other vitamins, with a glass of water. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to incorporate into my routine. There was no taste or aftertaste, which I initially feared might be an issue, given the strong flavor profile of cinnamon in cooking. Over the weeks, I observed a subtle yet noticeable stabilization in my energy levels throughout the day. This was quite significant for me, as I tend to experience energy dips, especially in the mid-afternoon. While I can't attribute this change to the cinnamon extract alone, I believe it has played a role in this newfound balance. In terms of digestion, I also noticed a mild improvement. Cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and while my digestive issues are not severe, I felt a sense of overall well-being that wasn't present before. One aspect I appreciated about using cinnamon extract as a supplement was the peace of mind it offered, knowing I was adding something natural and potentially beneficial to my body. It felt like a proactive step towards maintaining my health, without any noticeable side effects, which makes this a great quality supplement